"Learning wisdom
maanantai 16. lokakuuta 2017
About getting wiser
I translated some Eino Leino's poems to English http://einoleinopoems.blogspot.fi, and wrote later also this:
"Learning wisdom
I started reading a book about the life of Eino Leino. In the very
beginning there was a picture of his childhood home taken later when
others lived there. In the front there was a boat, atmospheric and wise
way of keeping the boat on the opposite whorel, like Eino Leino's poems,
but the trees by the house looked yound and very straight, as if those
who lived there nowadays wouldn't have had anything much nature's
wisdom. So how to learn wisdom if one has kind of square starting point?
I have written about learning intelligence in my Finnish blog
http://pikakoulu.blogspot.fi and since it interests educators, it might
have been translated to English at least partly. I have translated the
core: the thinking course at http://quickerlearning.blogspot.fi and at my video channel http://www.youtube.com/khtervola
there are on playlists (Increasing intelligence, and Rationality of
feelings and instincts) quite many advices about learning intelligence.
One could in addition read my e-book at the first text in my blog http://workandfreetime.blogspot.fi
. After that one could repeat someof the advices about intelligence:
practical things to do and nature increasing intelligence. Abotu moral I
have written at http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi . One could maybe read also http://talesfromforest.blogspot.fi/2017/08/about-kalevala.html with links."
"Learning wisdom
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